I heard a listener on NPR who called in after Thursday night's speech by Obama to say that he was a Republican and wanted to vote for Obama, but would not because Barak Obama is Pro-Choice.
I think Barak should produce the following commercial (and yes, Barak, I'm writing this for you so feel free to use any of this content in your campaign):
Title: I am Pro-Life.
I am Barak Obama and I am Pro-Life.
I am for the lives of all living people, as well as the unborn children of this world.
I also believe in the right for mothers to choose according to their own moral code until a certain point in their pregnancy.
If you are basing your voting decision on this one principle, I ask you; was it the moral choice to vote for someone who lead this country into an unnecessary war where thousands of American lives, as well as the lives of countless Iraqi civilians, have been lost?
Is it the moral choice to vote for a man who will continue to support energy policies that will do more to accelerate the climate crisis and maintain the status quo than policies which might reverse this crisis. How many lives will be lost? How many people displaced, if we don't change our course?
Is it the moral choice to vote for a man whose policies will lead to more suffering, more poverty, more desperation and more despair for millions of Americans.
Is it the moral choice to vote for a man who supported the rush to war, and jokes about unprovoked bombing of another adversary in the region.
Is it more important to you that women lose some choice over their own bodies, than we have a just society that protects the freedoms and safety of its citizens. Is it alright with you that the world has begun to view this nation as a lawless thug when it comes to foreign affairs?
Was it the moral choice to vote for George Bush if you are Pro-Life?
Is it the moral choice to vote for John McCain if you are Pro-Life.
I am Barak Obama and I am Pro-Life.
I am also Pro-Liberty, Pro-Prosperity and as much as I don't like abortions, I am Pro-Choice.
I am [Barak Obama], and I approved this message.
The Rich Live Longer Everywhere. For the Poor, Geography Matters. – The New
York Times
The challenge for the United States over the next two decades is the
distribution of prosperity, including health improvements across all
segments of soc...
8 years ago
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